Trusted medical malpractice lawyer in Sydney

Providing assistance to Atlantic Canadians who have suffered from medical negligence. Speak with our Sydney medical malpractice lawyers to see if we can assist you.
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Our mission

Birth Injury And Medical Malpractice
Lawyers Of Sydney

The lawyers at BIMMA are committed to providing reliable and affordable legal services for victims of birth injuries and medical malpractice in Atlantic Canada and the surrounding areas. For years, our lawyers have been assisting people injured by medical errors and have contributed to the development and shaping of Canadian medical malpractice and personal injury legislation. We rely on our substantive technological knowledge and medical understanding to assist families in Atlantic Canada.
Medical malpractice lawyers are aggressive opponents. They will not accept defeat. We are not afraid to take the fight to the courtroom. You can be confident that we are prepared to fight. With years of experience, we understand how to overcome the obstacles that medical malpractice cases pose. BIMMA will work hard to deliver you the outcomes that you deserve.
Our services

Common Medical Malpractice Injuries

The lawyers with BIMMA work everyday to advance the rights of people suffering from the serious consequences of medical malpractice in Atlantic Canada. Our medical malpractice lawyers have extensive experience helping individuals in the Maritimes navigate the challenges of bringing a successful legal claim against physicians, nurses, and hospitals, including claims related to the common issues listed below.

Medical Malpractice

Surgical Errors

Surgical errors can occur for a variety of reasons, including a sleepy, overworked surgeon, incorrect or missing instructions, a lack of expertise, inexperience with surgical equipment and technology, or medical personnel's alcohol and drug addiction. Whatever the origin of the error was, the surgeon and the hospital must be held responsible for the harm they inflicted. Contact our medical malpractice lawyer, Sydney Ns, if you have been significantly injured as a result of a surgical error.

Cauda Equina Syndrome And Spinal Stenosis

Cauda Equina syndrome is an uncommon spinal nerve condition that may lead to lower back discomfort, leg paralysis, and a variety of other symptoms. It can be triggered or worsened by medical malpractice, which means those affected could be eligible to seek compensation.

Emergency Room Errors

The most common reason for medical malpractice in the emergency room is because the physician, nurse, or other caregiver does not comprehend or appreciate the significance of particular findings. Fortunately, most patients who go to the emergency room aren't in danger of dying. Unfortunately, this causes doctors and nurses to pay less attention to certain patients, which can be fatal.

Delayed Or Missed Diagnoses

You have the legal right to sue for medical malpractice if you experienced a preventable injury because a physician or other medical expert failed to appropriately diagnose your disease. A competent medical malpractice lawyer can assist you in proving that the physician was negligent and failed to provide you with the required standard of care.

Prescription Drug Errors And Pharmaceutical Errors

The three most prevalent types of prescription errors include writing erroneous prescriptions, prescribing the wrong dosage, & prescribing the wrong frequency, which accounts for at least 50% of all drug errors. Pharmaceutical errors account for a significant portion of medical malpractice claims.

Inadequate Monitoring And Nursing Care

Nursing negligence is defined as giving standard care that falls short of the quality of care that a similarly qualified professional would have provided under the same conditions. They could have acted inappropriately or dangerously, failed to anticipate issues that a reasonably qualified individual would have anticipated, or failed to take actions which they should have taken in the circumstances.

Radiology Errors

Radiologists' errors can occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from misreading X-rays to poor communication with medical professionals, and they can cause considerable harm. It is difficult to tell whether malpractice occurred when a radiological film is incorrectly examined or interpreted. Our experienced medical malpractice lawyer, Sydney Ns, can help you to gather the relevant evidence.

Postoperative Complications And Sepsis

While the illness may emerge spontaneously due to a pre-existing infection, it can also occur as a result of medical negligence on the part of your healthcare providers. If this is the case, you might need the assistance of a medical malpractice lawyer. If you develop an infection in the hospital because of negligence, you can seek compensation.

Birth Injuries

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy impairs muscle control, tone, coordination, reflexes, posture and balance, and fine and gross motor skills in children. Because of contributing factors, including the nature and timing of the injury, every child's situation and cause are unique. If a physician, hospital, or nurse's negligence contributed to your child's disorder, we can hold them liable for their actions.

Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)

The length of time the brain is without oxygen or blood supply can influence how badly it is affected. HIE in children can have no long-term repercussions. HIE can also cause mild to moderate impairment in some people and severe disability in others.

Brachial Plexus Injuries

There is a reason why brachial plexus injuries are a popular component in medical malpractice cases. Many obstetric brachial plexus birth injuries, as outlined by medical literature, are caused by excessive traction used by an OB/GYN or midwives during the delivery process.

Seizures After Birth

Seizures in a newborn baby may occur as a result of abnormalities that happen during pregnancy or birth. BIMMA's lawyers are dedicated to fighting for medical malpractice and birth injuries. In the first week following delivery, newborns are especially susceptible to seizure development. Contact us if your infant develops seizures after birth.

Delayed Cesarean-Section (C-Section)

The risk of serious injury increases when a C-section is not performed immediately and correctly in a situation where it is necessary. A typical reason for C-section delays is a misdiagnosis or failure to recognize an emergency in time. A delayed C-section can result in fetal brain damage and a higher risk of membrane rupture in the mother.

Vacuum Or Forceps Delivery

When the second stage of labour, in which the woman pushes the baby through the birth canal, takes longer than expected, medical interventions, such as vacuum extractions and forceps deliveries, may be used if certain safety requirements are met. Sadly, not all physicians or midwives are aware of the safety guidelines for using forceps and vacuum extractors. We can help if your child suffers harm due to improper vacuum or forceps delivery.

Failure To Progress During Labour

If labour fails to progress, a physician can take steps to speed it up. This can include procedures such as rupturing the membranes to break the amniotomy or administering oxytocin to the mother to contract the uterus. If the FTP persists, a doctor may employ a vacuum or forceps to help the baby via the birth canal or do a cesarean delivery.

Metabolic Acidosis

A "metabolic acidosis" test is performed on the umbilical cord blood in the lab. Metabolic acidosis occurs when the body contains an excess of acid. When your baby receives insufficient oxygen, it can induce a buildup of acids in the fetal circulation, which, if allowed to continue for too long, can result in metabolic acidosis. Doctors must be vigilant in taking the proper measures to avoid metabolic acidosis.
The team

Our Members

Our team of lawyers are on standby to assess the merits of your medical malpractice incident if you feel that you want to have your case assessed by our medical malpractice lawyers.
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The People We Have Helped

Alexis Beaman
I am happy with Wagners. They were good with me
It was super super fantastic. I appreciate them and they did a fantastic job for me.
Norris Walsh
Sydney NS
Wagners Law Firm saw me through seven years of litigation for medical malpractice regarding a delayed diagnosis of cancer. I give this firm Five Stars for several reasons. I am a client who likes to be engaged in my own case. Wagners was extraordinarily...
Don Turner
Moncton NB
They were extremely professional and efficient. Always keeping me up to date on what's going on and constantly looking out for my best interest. Helpful suggestions and polite people. Whole process felt quick and easy. 5/5 do recommend.
Jennifer jesty
Summerside PE
Throughout the years, your kindness and dedication in making sure that not only my mother but our family received the attention and compensation for the injustices that have happened to my mother, is something that we will never forget...
Wayne Rennie
Fredericton NB
After being a victim of what I believe to be medical malpractice, I turned to Wagners. These people are true professionals, and they always made themselves available. Their lawyers and assistants were straightforward with me throughout the entire process. Top notch communication skills. Top
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Inadequate Monitoring and Nursing Care Post 1

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