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Our mission
Birth Injury And Medical Malpractice
Lawyers Of Atlantic Canada
Created by a group of individuals that want to further access to justice for those that are victims of medical negligence while also providing resources to those in need. BIMMA was founded on the idea of becoming a platform to assist Atlantic Canadians who have been injured due to medical malpractice.
Our core goal is to help Atlantic Canadians who have been injured due to medical malpractice. We have a resource center full of links to help you, and if you would like to discuss your issue with someone on our legal team please contact us so we can see how best to assist you.

Our services
Common Medical Malpractice Injuries
The lawyers with BIMMA work everyday to advance the rights of people suffering from the serious consequences of medical malpractice in Atlantic Canada. Our medical malpractice lawyers have extensive experience helping individuals in the Maritimes navigate the challenges of bringing a successful legal claim against physicians, nurses, and hospitals, including claims related to the common issues listed below.
Medical Malpractice
Surgical Errors
Every operation carries risk, but when surgery negatively affects you instead of improving your quality of life, it may be important to consider the possibility of a surgical error.
Cauda Equina Syndrome And Spinal Stenosis
When there is reason to suspect cauda equina syndrome or other serious causes of spinal cord compression, treatment providers should be expected to act quickly and decisively to prevent permanent injury from delayed diagnosis and treatment.
Emergency Room Errors
Everyone who attends an emergency department – whether big or small – deserves quality care that protects their health and wellness. When doctors and nurses in the emergency room underestimate the seriousness of your symptoms, fail to make the proper referrals, or improperly triage a patient, serious consequences can result.
Delayed Or Missed Diagnoses
We trust medical specialists to make the proper diagnosis in a timely fashion. When an error occurs, and both diagnosis and treatment are delayed, it may be important to consult a medical malpractice lawyer.
Prescription Drug Errors And Pharmaceutical Errors
Modern medical care is often delivered by a team of nurses and physicians who must communicate effectively. Sometimes, mistakes are made and concerning signs are missed. When something abnormal in a patient’s status is missed, it may be grounds to consider a legal action in medical negligence.
Inadequate Monitoring And Nursing Care
Malpractice can arise in a medical facility for a wide range of reasons, one of which is inadequate staffing. Patient care worsens when a healthcare facility doesn't have enough nurses or staff. As patient care deteriorates, there is a greater probability of a critical, if not deadly, medical error occurring. Hospitals must maintain a proper nurse-to-patient ratio, which varies depending on the capacity.
Radiology Errors
Radiologists review diagnostic imaging and have an obligation to report all concerning results to the requesting physician. When they miss something, that abnormality may not be detected for months or years, leading to serious harm.
Post-Operative Complications And Sepsis
Post-surgical infections and other complications can be devastating – especially if they are not detected and treated immediately. Our medical malpractice lawyers have extensive experience representing individuals and their families in cases alleging negligent post-surgical management.
Birth Injuries
Cerebral Palsy
While the birth of a child is among the most joyous occasions parents will experience, both pregnancy and labour and delivery carry risks for your baby. When those risks are not treated appropriately, a baby can suffer brain damage before he or she is born. In many medical malpractice cases, a baby suffers from cerebral palsy because parts of their brain that control movement have been damaged during the pregnancy or during delivery.
Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
It may sound confusing, but hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy can happen when the obstetrical team caring for your baby does not act to expedite delivery when there are signs of fetal distress. As a result, babies may suffer from birth asphyxia causing permanent harm. An experienced birth injury lawyer can help you make sense of the daunting terminology surrounding what happened during a difficult or traumatic birth.
Brachial Plexus Injuries
When a baby suffers permanent harm to their brachial plexus just before birth, it is important to consult an experienced medical malpractice lawyer to discuss your options. These injuries are often caused when the doctor or midwife pulls too hard trying to deliver your baby, whose shoulder may have been stuck behind the mother’s pubic bone – a complication called shoulder dystocia.
Seizures After Birth
After a traumatic or difficult birth, a baby may suffer from neurological disorders (sometimes called encephalopathy), including neonatal seizures. When a birth injury causes damage to the brain, the baby will often experience seizures after birth. In the event of neonatal seizures, it is important to consult a medical malpractice lawyer to investigate whether a claim should be brought for the benefit of the injured child.
Delayed Cesarean-Section (C-Section)
Doctors and nurses are expected to measure your baby’s heartrate during (and sometimes before) labour to make sure they are tolerating the stress of contractions and delivery. If there are serious concerns about fetal wellbeing, the standard of care requires the obstetrician to perform a cesarean-section to prevent serious birth asphyxia and brain damage. Many obstetrical negligence cases are brought because the doctor took too long to deliver the baby by C-section.
Vacuum Or Forceps Delivery
Doctors in Canada can perform an operative vaginal delivery, where required, by using either vacuum or forceps to help get the baby out. When used improperly, these devices can cause serious harm to mother and baby, in which case it is important to consult a lawyer, especially a forceps and vacuum delivery injury lawyer, to determine whether there is a strong claim in medical malpractice.
Failure To Progress During Labour
A failure to progress may mean that intervention is required to ensure the safe delivery of your baby. If there is a significant delay in delivering a baby who is showing signs of fetal distress, serious consequences, including cerebral palsy, can result.
Metabolic Acidosis
When a baby suffers a birth injury caused by asphyxia, there are ways to measure the oxygen debt that was caused by delayed delivery. An experienced birth injury lawyer can help you understand how metabolic acidosis factors into a claim brought in relation to a traumatic birth or difficult delivery.
The team
Our Members
Our team of lawyers are on standby to assess the merits of your medical malpractice
incident if you feel that you want to have your case assessed by our medical malpractice lawyers.
In the community

The People We Have Helped
Atlantic canada
Our Service Area
Glace Bay
New Glasgow
New Minas
Prince Edward Island (PEI)
Sydney Mines
Resources And Support
Inadequate Monitoring and Nursing Care Post 1
The Discovery Process The next step is the discovery process. At this point in the...
Inadequate Monitoring and Nursing Care Post 2
Healthcare professionals are required to… The standard of care is the necessary type and level...
Prescription Drug Errors And Pharmaceutical Errors
At what point does Medical Negligence become Malpractice? Medical malpractice happens once medical negligence reaches...
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Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or inquiries. We are here to assist you